Video interviews during the lockdown, like phone interviews surely will be happening to most job seekers who applied for jobs online. On previous post, we shared tips on how candidates can prepare for phone interviews.

Advance Planning Tips on Video Interviews

Video interviews during the lockdown may entail challenges with the quality of internet connection or use of technology. Being prepared to attend video interview as more employers would resort to less face-to-face interviews and encounters because of CoVid-19.

Video Interviews During the Lockdown :

Tips on Preparing for Video Interviews During the Lockdown

Video interviews during the lockdown is a smart option so as not to delay further the usual recruitment process.

1. Find A Quiet Zone

Your quiet zone should be a dedicated area where you will “attend” your video interview

  • A private and well-lighted area, free from clutter in your background. 
  • It should be free from interruptions (noise, pets)

2. Know Your Technology

To avoid disruptions when video interview is ongoing, run a test on the app that you will use especially if you are not familiar with the technology.

  • Download apps like Skype and Zoom. 
  • Learn and test ahead how these apps work

3. Test Your Device

  • Ensure that your computer’s audio is working.
  • Test your computer’s webcam.

4. Establish a Good Connection

  • Run tests to ensure your internet connection is stable.
  • Close web browser tabs and applications that may slow down the performance of your computer

5. Dress the Part

  • Dress professionally and avoid bright colors.
  • Look well-groomed and pleasant on the screen 

6. Be Ready

  • Make a research of the company and the job. 
  • Have a list of questions to ask during the interview.

7. Maintain Calm and Be Organized

  • Get a copy of your resume on your desk in case you get a mental block on the details of your job application
  • Have a pen and a notepad ready to take down notes as needed

8. Stay Focused and Engaged

  • Nod and smile to show your interviewer that you are engaged.
  • Don’t be too stiff sitting infront of the computer, use hand gestures only when appropriate.
  • Put your phone in silent mode to avoid any distraction

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